Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update on "semantics"

Conor's baseball commitments are not as great this year.  He is a baseball "14" which is an in between year for Legion ball.  His Legion prep team of last year has reformed as an AAU team, which requires far less of a commitment.  He also does inhouse, but at his age, his inhouse team may only have a couple of practices for the entire year and most of the kids will only show up to 60% to 80% of the games.  So baseball-wise, this is FAR less of a commitment than has been required of him in the past.

So last week, he tells me that he wants to start going to wrestling practice with his older brother. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

A matter of semantics...

Giving up control of your son's athletic careers can be easier said than done.  When they are younger, some times they need a LITTLE push.  Kids don't always do or learn what's in their best interest until later.  Some times parents really do know what's best (but a lot of times the kids know even better, but I'm not sure you learn that until it's too late).

I lost control of Cale's athletic career when he started eighth grade.  Note the word usage, "lost."  Actually, I lost my vise-like, death-grip on his whole being about that time. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What do I do now????

Wrestling season is over.  It went out with a bang, February and March are great months.  Middle school championships (Conor won for the 2nd year in a row).  Next week high school "sectionals" and junior high regional tournament (Conor finished first again).  High school "districts" the next week.  Regionals and PJW (Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling) sectional qualifier the weekend after (Conor finishes 2nd to a pretty good high school varsity wrestler in a close match and qualifies for areas).  Then comes the big weekend.  Thursday to Saturday - PIAA States in Hershey.  As good as it gets, both from a wrestling perspective and a great time had by me and the kids with all our high school families who go year after year.  This year, we get a bonus - NCAAs are in Philadelphia.  The boys and I get lucky ticket wise and we end up at all the sessions except the Thursday day session.  Awesome experience.